How to care for hedging plants?

If you have hedging plants in your garden, it is important that you know how to care for them. This concerns fertilising, watering and pruning.  The amounts and timing of pruning and watering will depend on the type of plant you have. It is important to do this in the right way so that the…

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Poisonous plants: these plants are poisonous

Plants try to protect themselves from animals that want to eat them. Some do this with spines or a bitter taste and some use poison. This poison can be dangerous for various animals, but also for humans. Which poisonous plants should you look out for? Poisonous plants for pets and humans Poisonous plants for cats…

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The 10 most beautiful flowering orange plants

Orange lantern plant The lantern-like calyxes form in the autumn, are bright orange and about 5 -7 centimetres in size. Especially in times when there is little colour in the garden, these little lanterns brighten up the surroundings. It is therefore one of the most popular orange plants for gardeners who want to enjoy the…

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